Step 1: Turn on the generator. First things first – we fire up our trusty generator because, you know, missiles and blackouts are apparently part of the "new normal" for us here. Who needs a stable power grid when you have diesel and determination, right?
Step 2: Make coffee – because we can handle air raid sirens, but we draw the line at rendering before caffeine. Priorities, people.
Step 3: Check our emails (and the skies). Multitasking like pros! Replying to client messages while keeping an ear out for that all-too-familiar "air raid alert." Efficiency at its finest.
Step 4: Get to work (no excuses). Power cuts? Bombings? Annoying neighbors blasting music? Nothing stops us from delivering stunning renders on time. Our motto: “If the enemy couldn’t break us, that deadline definitely won’t!”
Step 5: Take a break (but keep it light). Sometimes we play a fun game called "Guess Which Appliance the Generator Can’t Handle Today." Spoiler: it’s usually the microwave. But hey, cold lunches build character.
Step 6: Upload your projects. Once the renders are ready, we upload them to the cloud (when the Wi-Fi isn’t powered by a hamster wheel). By the way, VPNs aren’t just for security here – sometimes they’re the only way to bypass a slightly broken internet.
Step 7: Celebrate survival and success. Another day, another masterpiece delivered – all while dodging missiles, outages, and existential dread. High five to the team!
No matter what the world throws at us, our passion for creating jaw-dropping visuals keeps us going. So if you're looking for a studio that delivers even during a literal war, you’ve found your people.
P.S. Yes, we’re accepting new projects. But no, we’re not sharing our coffee stash. Some things are sacred.
Book a call: https://calendly.com/info-vzk/introductory-call